Route from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol to S.S. Rotterdam

This page will give you information about how to reach the S.S. Rotterdam from Schiphol airport by public transport. Would you like to take a taxi? Estimated costs are between € 70,- and € 100,-.

Step 1: from the airport to Rotterdam

The easiest way to reach Rotterdam from Amsterdam Aisport, is by train. From the airport you can take several trains to Rotterdam Centraal (central station). Tickets are available at the airport. The train will take you to Rotterdam within 50 minutes.

Costs: approximately € 13,20 for a second class ticket (€ 2,60 addition for 'Intercity direct', travel time 26 minutes).

Step 2: from Rotterdam Centraal to the S.S. Rotterdam

Option 1: subway and bus (total costs € 1,79)

  • At Rotterdam Centraal, take the subway in the direction of De Akkers (line D) of Slinge (line E) to station 'Rijnhaven'.
  • From station Rijnhaven, take the bus to the S.S. Rotterdam (bus 77).

Option 2: subway and water taxi(total costs € 5,65)

Would you like to have a unique experience travelling to the venue? Try the water taxi!

  • At Rotterdam Centraal, take the subway in the direction of De Akkers (line D) of Slinge (line E) to station 'Leuvehaven' (€ 1,15).
  • Cross the road to the station of the water taxi in front of hotel Mainport. If there is no water taxi present, please call 0031 10 403 03 03. Fee: € 4,50.